Auscichlids SMF theme 2011

My Computer Guy have been proud sponsors of from the start and are pleased to announce our latest theme upgrade for this cichlid enthusiast’s community forum. The new software provided extra functionality and the theme, based on the default theme for SMF Gold, was modified extensively to match the look of the previous installation, including extra colour to highlight special post types and unique post icons. forum index

Pierre (Spud) the owner and administrator of the forum was keen to move the software to the latest version and in doing so protect the forum from future hacking attempts. Having experienced a recent security breach (not actually related to the forum software or theme) he wanted to be sure it was secure and resistant to future attempts. Extra protection has also been installed to combat SQL injection.

The upgrade included many new icons and post styles.

Brand new icons and post styles

We provide regular support to members via the forum and are delighted to hear the positive feedback since the upgrade. We expect this site to become one of the most popular Cichlid forums in Australia with it’s easy going laid back style and popular personalities.


  • PHP
  • HTML and CSS
  • SMF Template
  • Custom Graphics

Call or contact us for a no obligation free quote on a custom theme for your SMF powered community forum. Prices start at $80-00 for a standard theme.

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